
Max Engage

Automated, hyperlocal weather and traffic videos across platforms supercharge your mobile broadcast.

Enhance mobile broadcast storytelling with AI and be the first to air

The weather audience’s experience is changing in a big way. Augmented intelligence (AI) and automation are taking massive leaps forward in the detection of weather and traffic conditions and going beyond what is humanly possible. Max Engage enhances your storytelling and powers capabilities in this new cognitive era of broadcasting, so your station won’t be left behind.

Using a single UI, quickly and easily grow your digital viewership by providing automated hyperlocal weather and traffic videos across platforms that are customized for users and can increase your number of mobile video views by up to 13x. Be the first to air with vital information that keeps your audience safe.

Solutions to help captivate your audience, no matter the screen

With so many news outlets competing for attention, capturing your audience is more challenging than ever. To stand out, stations must use their local knowledge to meet their audience’s need for relevant weather information and have a tool that will help them publish this content quickly and across platforms.

Forecasting increased revenue

Your digital content is challenging to monetize but filled with revenue potential. For example, a station with fifty thousand monthly active users could be generating as much as:


video ad impressions/month1


display ad impressions/month1


Increase engagement and revenue

Post new content simultaneously across all digital platforms to boost video views and ad revenue.

Auto-generate mobile content

Leverage AI to meet your audience’s demand for mobile content throughout the day.

Enable micro targeting

Use geo-fencing technology to target affected users​.

Success stories

Success story


Learn how WKRN swiftly pushes vital information to its audiences across digital platforms using Max Engage.

Related resources

Six steps for success

Discover why growth in content consumption on digital devices means content providers must adapt quickly to changing consumer needs.

Read more

Cracking the mobile content code

View and download this infographic to learn how mobile users leverage weather and traffic apps to access local information every day.

View infographic

Frequently asked questions

What is augmented intelligence?

Augmented intelligence is where AI, such as machine learning, is used to aid human work and strengthen productivity as opposed to replacing humans entirely.

Why is augmented intelligence important in weather broadcasting?

Automation allows your station to reach your mobile audience’s growing demand while also generating unique and engaging content that keeps your viewers tuned in for longer.

How does augmented intelligence target audiences?

Max Engage uses geofencing technology in order to determine where and when an audience needs information.

What is meant by mobile broadcast?

Mobile broadcasts refer to any type of broadcast available on smartphones that can be produced and watched on the go.

How do mobile broadcasts work?

Mobile broadcasts make use of geofencing technology to deliver the right information at the right time for users. This helps to create engaging broadcasts that retain viewers.

Does Max Engage require any hardware?

No. Max Engage reduces the amount of hardware needed across markets, saving on cost and enabling greater productivity through mobile video automation.

Does Max Engage require hiring more staff or trained professionals?

No. While Max Engage allows for augmented intelligence to enhance mobile videos in Max, it is integrated into your organization’s existing Max toolkit, requiring no additional staff.

Do I need to learn how to use all Max products to use Max Engage?

No. Max Engage is a supplement to the Max ecosystem, so there’s only one system to learn, and all components integrate seamlessly with each other to create an enhanced mobile experience.

How do I reach The Weather Company Customer Support team?

For linear TV product questions, call 978.983.6350, email [email protected] or submit a ticket via The Weather Community.

For digital/mobile product questions, email [email protected].

Let’s talk

To learn more about Max Engage and the power of AI for your mobile broadcasts, contact our media experts today.

Contact us

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1 Based on The Weather Company internal client data