It’s peak season in the south of France, a time when the region sees a population surge from local beachgoers and summer tourists alike. Meanwhile, the leaders of the advertising industry make their annual pilgrimage for a different reason entirely: the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

It’s an event where Mother Nature has taken center stage recently–delivering everything from high winds and rough seas, to a record-setting summer heatwave and unseasonal torrential rain. Weather influences nearly everything—your packing list chief among those things, perhaps, but if that’s the only thing weather is informing, respectfully, you’re doing it wrong.

Globally, weather is increasingly erratic and pervasive every year. As changing climate makes weather more volatile and impactful, every business needs a weather strategy rooted in weather intelligence. A smart weather strategy enables you to:

  • Understand and predict consumer behavior with greater accuracy
  • Mitigate risk and gain competitive advantage
  • Gain efficiency across the enterprise

Through 40 years of weather science expertise, we’ve gained a deep understanding of consumer behavior, actions, and mindsets. And for marketers, that means we’re able to take that forecast data and derive insights to enable smarter, faster business decisions, for both marketing and enterprise-wide needs.

In this piece, you’ll find the weeklong forecast and more. We’ll delve into weather’s impact on the Festival, emerging trends, and anticipated highlights–including key sessions and speakers that, much like Mother Nature, are poised to make waves this year.

Cannes Lions sign

Cannes weather: Memorable moments, the 2024 forecast, and summer solstice

When it comes to outdoor events, weather can make or break the entire experience, and Cannes Lions is no exception. Weather plays a crucial role in influencing attendance–and inclement weather can certainly dampen spirits, reduce audience, and even lead to cancellations, while pleasant conditions multiply engagement and enjoyment.

In the last two two years alone, we’ve seen more extreme weather than is historically seasonal.

  • 2022: A one-two punch of rain and heat
    If you attended the Festival two years ago, you undoubtedly recall the three days of significant rain that fell in central Cannes and created a slew of challenges for outdoor venues and temporary festival builds along the beach. That same year, despite rain, temperatures soared to real-feel temperatures in the low 90s. The summers have been getting hotter and hotter recently in southern France, so the average maximum temperature is now 3.6-5.4°F higher than it was 30 years ago.
  • 2023: Strong winds and rough seas
    Last year, it was high winds that sent weather reverberations across the Festival. Increased wave activity made for high swell that impacted yachting, and one particularly treacherous trip to Monaco made by sea (IYKYK). Out on the beach, gusts upended umbrellas and tore off temporary roofs on event spaces along the Croisette; public safety concerns like flying debris caused some venues to be forced to shut down temporarily.

Your 2024 forecast

Wondering what the memorable weather moment of 2024 will be? You’ve come to the right place.

So far in June this year, the hottest day was this past weekend on Saturday, June 8, reaching 88.52°F.  There has been virtually no precipitation in Cannes so far in June. That warmth though was brief. May to June so far has seen cooler than normal temperatures at times where all the extreme heat has been concentrated over Southeastern Europe, reaching the 100s recently with 112.64°F recorded in Antalya in southern Turkey on June 6.

For the week of the festival in Cannes, we’re very unlikely to see any extreme heat. In fact, this year could be more like 2014 and the coolest for the past 10 years! Even still, given the unrelenting sun and countless trips up and down the Croisette, it’s bound to feel warmer. Sunscreen, hat, and comfortable shoes remain a must.

Will it rain? Maybe. Current forecasts suggest Wednesday, June 19, has a good chance of showers and maybe some thunderstorms. There’s greater uncertainty in the forecast Wednesday onwards as a sharp trough and low pressure moves west across western and central Europe. Our mets have high confidence Sunday to Tuesday will be fine but it’ll turn a lot more unstable from Wednesday. Since the weather system is moving from the west/northwest, Cannes is nicely sheltered so the shower and thunderstorm risks are lower than a little further inland and any showers should be isolated and Cannes just might miss them all together.

But should you pack an umbrella? Yes. There are signs a “wave” may develop over the western Mediterranean slowing the westerly progress a little, but resulting in a larger area of rain and thunder that may head across SE France and Cannes Thursday night to Friday. So, lots to watch out for later next week. Will Cannes escape dry or get a deluge? We’re hoping for the former. The middle to end of next week may see the highest wind gusts too, so some interesting weather to watch for out on the water.

While you’re on the ground, we’re bringing you the real-time forecast all week long from three digital billboards in the heart of the Festival. When you’re away from La Croisette, stay up to date with The Weather Channel app.

A map of The Weather Company's presence at The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2024

Summer solstice

While all days during the Festival feel long, Thursday, June 20, is indeed the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls during Cannes Lions each year. The solstice, an astronomical event, coincides with a new meteorological season too: the start of summer. Since prehistory, the solstice has been a significant time of year in many cultures and has been marked by festivals and rituals. Many of these annual cultural festivities center not only on celebrating the sun’s light, but the light within people and belief in energetic shifts that reignite and inspire creativity. Pretty apropos!

Scientifically speaking, it’s when Earth’s axial tilt toward the sun is at a maximum point for the year, resulting in extended daylight and in turn…the longest day of the year. Practically speaking? We’re in for a sun-drenched Festival and some particularly majestic late-evening sunsets.

The broader forecast: What’s new and can’t-miss content

The Festival, too, is changing in tandem with our physical climate. Like our world, the broader advertising ecosystem is facing accelerative winds of change that, while predictable, are increasingly disruptive to the status quo. Amidst headwinds like the crumbling cookie and tailwinds like AI, make no mistake about it: the Festival is growing. 

If you’re reading this, you’re very likely a Cannes veteran, so we’ll cut to the chase of some of the biggest changes you can anticipate this year:

  • Yacht Row | Vieux-Port is partially under construction. Yacht Row remains open but with fewer berths–around 30 boats will host meetings and programming this year.
  • A growing fringe footprint | Supplemental programming has exploded. The aggregate fringe program has been anecdotally reported at an estimated 700 satellite events this year.
  • Year 2 of Brand Village | The new neighborhood on the official program has expanded in its sophomore year and moved inside the Festival perimeter, in a move to draw higher brand marketer attendance.
  • The launch of LIONS Creators | As Creators become an increasingly important cohort for marketers, the festival has formalized a program to get them to Cannes. The 6th floor rooftop of the Palais will play host to ‘Creators HQ.’

Content forecast

Every year, a handful of themes reign supreme in the conversations held at Cannes Lions. Last year there was a single topic that permeated every discussion and sat indisputably in the top spot of every buzz list: AI.

But in Cannes annually in the third week of June, Mother Nature isn’t the only one blowing hot air. This year AI will retain its dominant share of Festival chatter, but we hope and expect to see the conversation progressed beyond nascent vision setting and hype, moving instead into the more pragmatic realm of the problems AI solves through to what implementation and adoption looks like for brands.

Other key topics include the influence of culture and creators, as well as sports and the opportunity for brands to tap into those engaged fandoms. Pressing topics like DEI and sustainability will get more practical and less performative. And finally, cookie deprecation and signal loss, as well as a larger conversation around consumer privacy concerns, will continue to loom large as marketers navigate the seismic paradigm shift in targeting.

At the end of the day, creativity will be the throughline of all programming, with an eye towards how it can power brands’ staying power and drive business growth amidst economic uncertainty.

Recognizing weather’s influence is only growing, these are your top, not-to-be-missed sessions: 

On Leadership, Purpose & Values

MediaLink Daily Double Programming | MediaLink Beach
Monday, June 17 | 4:30 p.m.


Presenters at Cannes, MediaLink Beach: Sheri Bachstein, Sophie Bambuck, Tejal Vishalpura, and Ekta Chopra


What Will the Weather Forecast Be In Cannes in 2050?

Cannes Lions Mainstage | Debussy Theatre, The Palais
Wednesday, June 19 | 10:45-11:15 a.m.


Presenters at Cannes Media Link Beach: Randi Stipes, Boaz Paldi, Derek Van Dam, Deon Gjoni, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tania Bryer

Key weather insights and tips: What to know to navigate the weather like a pro

The weather will likely impact your Festival experience, so here are some top tips to help you stay prepared and thrive–rain or shine.

1. Hydration

  • Did you know? Our bodies are about 60% water, and heat amplifies how quickly we lose that water through breathing and sweating. You can lose up to half a gallon of water in a couple of hours in very hot conditions, and dehydration can occur in as little as 30 minutes. 59% of health-minded consumers use weather information to increase hydration as a preventative measure to manage their health condition or symptoms (Source: Weather and Health Impact Study, March 2024), as dehydration can exacerbate chronic pain and headaches.
  • Pro tip: Target drinking a gallon of water a day in hot temps, especially if you’re indulging in the rosé which flows throughout the festival. Just like the heat, alcohol can also accelerate dehydration. Pack a reusable or recyclable water bottle; you’ll find water refill stations throughout the event.

2. Humidity

  • Did you know? In combination with hot temps, increased humidity makes it harder to cool off because the body does so through the evaporation of sweat, which is hindered in muggy conditions.
  • Pro tip: Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics in light-colored hues. Choose fabrics like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking synthetics that allow your skin to breathe and moisture to evaporate. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight rather than absorbing it, which helps keep you cooler.

3. Sun exposure

  • Did you know? In June, the average high temperature is 74.8°F, but the French Riviera sun is especially strong. In France, climate change has caused some of the greatest annual temperature increases registered in any country in Europe.
  • Pro tip: As you traverse the Croisette multiple times a day, and sit for your outdoor meetings, sun protection is especially key. Wear sunscreen, and don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. While any sunscreen is superior to none at all, you may want to procure your SPF from a local French pharmacy. Sunscreens available in the EU are often considered superior to those in the United States due to stricter regulations and more advanced formulations. The EU has approved a wider range of UV filters, allowing for more effective and broad-spectrum protection. Speaking of, a hat for personal shade adds another layer of protection!

4. Sleep 

  • Did you know? Achieving the ideal sleep state requires lowering both core and brain temperatures by approximately 2-3°F. In higher temperatures, melatonin production that induces sleep is disrupted (Source: Healthline). Individual preferences vary, but the optimal temperature for sleep is 65°F.
  • Pro tip: This can be tough to accomplish as, depending on your accommodations, air conditioning that allows for precise climate control isn’t the norm in the South of France. Open your windows to let in the overnight Riviera breeze, or pack a small fan or cooling eye mask–you’ll fall asleep faster and have a more restful slumber.

Stay in the know. Much like our industry, the forecast is increasingly dynamic. Be sure to download and regularly check The Weather Channel app for the very latest forecast to help you navigate the week in Cannes.

Travel safe and we’ll see you soon,

The Weather Company
Consider us your Chief Weather Officer

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What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, schedule time to meet with a member of our leadership team on the ground.

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