As football season kicks off, it’s not just fans gearing up in team colors – brands are also entering a high-stakes game of brand visibility and consumer engagement. In a crowded advertising landscape, how can your brand stand out? The answer lies in an often-underestimated factor: the weather.

Weather is the MVP in the consumer journey. It influences every aspect of the football experience, from pre-game planning to post-game memories, making it an invaluable asset in your marketing toolkit.

But weather doesn’t just make outdoor entertainment events more enjoyable, it makes them more memorable. And better weather isn’t always…better.




of Gen Z as well as men say that more extreme weather conditions make outdoor events more memorable1


of Gen Z sometimes actually hopes for rainy or stormy weather at a concert or outdoor entertainment event because it can make the show even better1


of both men and multicultural audiences are also most likely to believe that inclement, cold, or snowy weather gives their sports team(s) an advantage1

Here’s the real winning insight for brands: One-third of people are more likely to remember weather-aligned advertising at outdoor events, a figure that rises significantly among multicultural, millennial and parent audiences.1

How to leverage weather data this season

  1. Pre-event targeting: Influence decisions on attendance, attire, and transportation on The Weather Channel app.
  2. During the event: Tailor messaging to current conditions, enhancing enjoyment and creating memorable moments across the digital ecosystem.
  3. Post-event: Analyze weather and performance data to uncover customer insights and strengthen brand loyalty even after the campaign ends.

Integrating weather into your marketing playbook this fall allows you to proactively shape the consumer journey, transforming weather from a mere backdrop into a strategic advantage. With Weather Targeting and data, you can:

  • Increase awareness through highly relevant, dynamic messaging
  • Engage sports enthusiasts with privacy-compliant targeting solutions
  • Foster brand loyalty in daily weather-influenced decision moments

Weather isn’t just a condition to be endured. It’s a unifying element that ties together every fan’s experience, from the die-hard tailgater to the casual at-home viewer.

To ensure your brand remains a significant part of the football experience, The Weather Company offers tailored solutions designed to make every campaign a winning one with weather-driven strategies.

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

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View footnote details

1 TWC Entertainment Behavior Survey, Jan 2024

2 The Weather Company Winter 2022-23 Behavior Survey, Sep 2022

3 The Weather Channel social poll, September 2023