The connection between weather and wellness is only becoming stronger. What does this mean for health marketers? Brands have the opportunity to leverage the power and influence of The Weather Channel digital platforms and weather signals across the advertising ecosystem to enhance engagement with health-conscious consumers.

Take a closer look at our “weather-to-wellness” infographic to learn how consumers use weather information to make proactive decisions that impact personal health decisions and purchases.

View and download infographic

Your customers realize weather’s impact, so meet them where they are. A weather strategy with The Weather Company places your brand in the direct path of qualified audiences and their health decisions. Learn more about how to drive better engagement and campaign performance with advertising solutions that meet the unique needs of healthcare marketers.

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What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

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Health and wellness marketers have no shortage of challenges. Staying relevant with health-conscious consumers. Navigating strict compliance regulations. Finding ways to stand out and connect with the right consumer in a stacked marketplace – to name a few.

The rewards are there, though, for brands who can break through. The $1.8 trillion global health and wellness market1 only continues to grow. And many of those consumers are turning to the powerful influence of weather to make their health and wellness decisions. That’s one reason why we recently modernized and enhanced The Weather Channel app user experience as well as our AI-powered ad tech and back-end data modeling with an extra emphasis on health and well-being. Which brings health and wellness marketers a unique and relevant set of advertising solutions to fuel brand relevance and growth.

Unpacking the weather-wellness connection

The connection is clear: Habitually checking the weather informs more than how to dress for the elements. Recent research shows that weather inspires action to minimize illness, manage symptoms, and maximize time outside; offers a sense of control on quality of life; and guides purchases to maintain a healthy lifestyle. According to consumers in the study:


are focusing more on health and wellness in recent years2


use weather information to manage their health, up 33% since 20202


are more concerned this year than previous years about at least one health condition2

The go-to health and wellness marketing partner

Your customers realize weather’s impact, so meet them where they are. Trusted, accurate data, innovative AI in weather prediction, and brand-safe, contextually relevant content from The Weather Company, place your brand in the direct path of qualified audiences and their health decisions. Additionally, by understanding the effect of weather on consumer spending, we can better tailor our advertising strategies to influence purchasing decisions that are directly related to health and wellness.

Better accuracy, better engagement, better performance

A constant companion, weather influences daily habits and decisions, sunrise to sunset. But not all weather forecasts are equal. Or accurate. Not only are we the most accurate forecaster3 and one of America’s most trusted brands,4 The Weather Channel is the preferred weather source used by health-conscious consumers to manage health across all conditions.


choose The Weather Channel over a competitor2

Since launching new wellness features in The Weather Channel app, we’ve seen 3x higher clicks into our wellness forecast experiences.5 In fact, compared to the legacy app experience, we’re already seeing:

  • 11% more stickiness5
  • 10% more page views per visit5
  • 8% increase in time spent per daily active user5

This preference for, and engagement with, our digital channels means more reach and a higher likelihood of campaign success. But beyond the lure of our new features, the instability and volatility of Mother Nature herself means more eyeballs, more often, on the forecast.

IQVIA-validated health audiences

IQVIA, a leader in healthcare intelligence, utilizes rich prescription data to provide insights into the types of visitors on digital platforms. Our new IQVIA partnership has validated that The Weather Channel’s platforms effectively reach qualified health audiences across over 60 health conditions. Notably, we connect with 47% of U.S. psoriasis patients, which over indexes the general population by 32%.6 This collaboration validates our ability to deliver health content to audiences most likely to be treating health conditions and wanting to learn about weather’s impact on their symptoms. 

Brand-safe sponsorships

Get your brand seen in the well-placed context of weather information and health resources through sponsorships on our digital properties.

Content sponsorships: With the latest enhancements to The Weather Channel app, we’ve re-imagined the experience to emphasize the weather-to-wellness connection. New editorial sponsorship opportunities help you align your brand with premium, health-related articles and video content created by award-winning journalists and verified by medical reviewers. Trusted advice and resources cover psoriasis, eczema, weight loss, type 2 diabetes, asthma, COPD, arthritis, stress management, aches and pains, and migraines.

Forecast sponsorships: Health-conscious consumers have access to a range of customized forecasts and tools designed for allergies, skin care, colds and flu, headaches and migraines, body aches, and respiratory health. These forecasts use weather data, AI, and insights to help predict how symptoms might change in the coming days and week.


check weather proactively for preventative health measures2

We put weather into action to give your audience information and insights that help them ultimately live healthier, happier, safer, and smarter.


CVS reaches 42 million consumers in moments that matter with the Flu Insights Tracker

Read the case study

Anticipate consumer needs with actionable data signals

By using weather data to inform when and where consumers’ health will be impacted, health marketers can tap into unified, scaled, and predictive signals to help to find and connect with qualified audiences and influence health outcomes.

Weather Targeting

Deliver hyperlocal, targeted, personalized health ads by leveraging an intelligent mix of weather data and health data, including:

  • OTC/prescription sales from IQVIA
  • anonymized patient reports and aggregated insurance claims reports from Merative
  • academic journals
  • weather science to identify the optimal mix of environmental elements most likely to exacerbate health conditions at a ZIP code level

Audience Targeting

In healthcare marketing, privacy is paramount. Find and connect with your audience using demographic look-alikes with a propensity for specific conditions. These representative audience models are based on:

  • behaviors and insights from The Weather Channel digital properties, including site interests and frequent locations viewed
  • anonymized health claims data
  • CDC and other third-party sources

monthly global The Weather Channel app users6

Beyond the marketing department

Make weather your business. The Weather Company can help you improve strategies, operations, and profitability across the enterprise. Yes, the same company that uses meteorological expertise and technology to help keep billions of people safe and informed about the weather also helps thousands of businesses increase the bottom line.

Weather Engine™

Help your business adapt quickly and make informed decisions that account for weather impacts. Powered by proprietary AI and machine learning, our Weather Engine helps you take advantage of large, analytics-driven insights across internal processes and consumer-facing touchpoints.

Weather data APIs

Integrate reliable weather data directly into your enterprise applications, business processes, or own custom models. Both weather data and insights are available via APIs with flexible integration services.

Competitive advantage is in the forecast

The influence of weather on daily health and wellness choices isn’t slowing down. Marketers need ways to stand out in a crowded, challenging market. Fortunately, as weather, data, and health continue to intersect, you can trust The Weather Company’s advertising solutions to help you create purposeful, relevant connections and better outcomes for both consumers and your business.

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

View footnote details

1 The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024, McKinsey, January 16, 2024 Article

2 Weather and Health Impact Study, Sago for The Weather Company, health-affected consumers, March 2024

3 ForecastWatch, Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, commissioned by The Weather Company

4 According to a Morning Consult Q1 2024 survey: The Weather Channel brand was the #13 most trusted brand in the US. The surveys were conducted from 1/1/2024 through 3/31/2024, among a nationally representative sample of 1,158 and 35,280 U.S. adults

5 Amplitude, April-July 2024

6 According to Comscore, The Weather Channel was the largest provider of weather forecasts worldwide (web and app) in 2022 based on the average of the total monthly unique visitors. Comscore Media Metrix®, Worldwide Rollup Media Trend, News/Information – Weather category incl. The [M] Weather Channel, The, Jan-Dec. 2022 avg.

Look no further than the 8 million #sweaterweather posts on Instagram or the staggering 239.6 million posts on TikTok. “Sweater weather” is more than just a seasonal change; it’s a cultural phenomenon that rivals the PSL for fall fame.

Social proof, combined with recent survey data, suggests that most industries offering seasonal products could benefit by timing their campaigns based on actual weather rather than a calendar date. When asked what prompts them to make fall-related changes, consumers overwhelmingly cited weather — 65% mentioned how it feels, and 64% noted the actual forecast1. This means that understanding subtle weather shifts presents a major opportunity to tap into seasonal consumer habits.

In other words, to truly connect with your audience, you need to know precisely when they’ll be pulling out their sweaters — or even buying new seasonal products.

The relativity of weather

Pinpointing when sweater weather starts in specific markets requires more than just knowing when temperatures will dip below a certain point. Weather is a relative experience. What consumers qualify as sweater weather can span a 10 degree difference depending on where they live. For example, when it’s 45°F in Minneapolis, people are out in shorts, enjoying the brisk air. But when it’s 45°F in Georgia, people are bundled up on the couch, texting friends to make sure they’re staying warm.

We asked consumers what temperature makes them reach for their sweaters. The results? They provide a guide to when people across U.S. regions will start feeling like it’s fall.

Map of the United States

Median temps at which The Weather Channel users say fall weather becomes cool enough to put on a sweater are highest in the West at 60 degrees and lowest in the Upper Midwest at 50 degrees.

Here’s the thing about fall weather: More than any other season, people anticipate sweater weather, and when it arrives, they’re ready to make changes.

But there’s one statistic that underscores why marketers should engage with consumers at the first hint of sweater weather: 66% of people say fall weather makes them want to try something new. For Gen Z, that number jumps to 79%1.

The power of relativity

Brands across industries should take note: If the majority of consumers base their fall-related behavior on the feeling of autumn, knowing exactly when those feelings will arise is crucial.

Is it nuanced? Absolutely. But it’s not complicated if you have the right tools. With Weather Targeting, we’ve combined the world’s most accurate weather data2 with third-party data sources and industry-leading AI technology. This allows you to understand how precise, hyperlocal conditions impact consumer mindsets and behaviors, enabling you to automate messaging at the exact moment sweater weather arrives.

So, as the season shifts and the air gets crisp, remember: Sweater Weather isn’t just a time to stay warm — it’s a moment to connect with your audience in a way that resonates deeply. And with the right strategy, your brand can be as eagerly anticipated as that first Pumpkin Spice Latte of the season.

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

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1 The Weather Company Fall 2022 Behavior Survey, July 2022

2 ForecastWatch, Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview 2017-2020,, commissioned by IBM. The Weather Company is the world’s most accurate forecaster, according to a 2017-2020 study, which is the most recent, most comprehensive study available from ForecastWatch.

Viewers are increasingly interested in personalized content across mediums, and weather broadcasting is no exception. This growing demand is transforming how meteorological information needs to be delivered — and weather broadcasters need to answer the call.

By meeting viewers’ expectations for tailored information, weather broadcasters can increase engagement, trust, and reliance among their audiences, ensuring that the forecasts they provide are integral to each viewer’s planning of their day.

What is a custom weather forecast?

A custom weather forecast provides tailored meteorological information specific to an individual’s or business’s location and needs, rather than a broad, generalized forecast covering a large area. These forecasts typically focus on a particular city, town, or even a ZIP Code, providing detailed and relevant weather data that is immediately applicable to the viewer’s current surroundings. They also utilize advanced data modeling and meteorological technology to predict weather changes with high precision.

What are the advantages of custom weather forecasts?

Custom weather forecasts are revolutionizing how viewers interact with meteorological data, offering substantial advantages that extend beyond the basic provision of weather information.

1. Meeting demand

Viewers increasingly demand forecasts that cater specifically to their local environments. SmithGeiger research shows that 63% of viewers prefer forecasts targeted to their geographic areas, and 69% desire predictions narrowed down to their ZIP Codes. This high demand underscores the need for precision in meteorological services.

2. Improving trust

Personalized weather forecasts cater to specific viewer needs while also building trust. Viewers tend to rely more on forecasts that address their local weather conditions directly, enhancing their trust in your brand and ensuring consistent viewer engagement.

3. Increasing relevance

General forecasts often include details that may not apply to all areas covered, leading to viewer dissatisfaction. For example, a meteorologist may say it will be rainy tomorrow, but only one part of your city or town ends up wet. By focusing on relevant information, you can ensure that your content is of direct interest to your audience, thereby increasing viewer retention.

4. Helping viewers plan their day

Detailed, localized forecasts allow viewers to plan their activities with greater confidence, knowing how weather will affect their specific location throughout the day. This personalization addresses another common viewer grievance: the lack of specific timing for predicted weather changes.

5. Improving weather forecast accuracy

Custom weather forecasts significantly enhance accuracy by tailoring predictions to specific local conditions. By focusing on the unique aspects of each locality, custom forecasts provide more relevant and actionable information, thereby improving overall forecast accuracy. This is one of the reasons why The Weather Company is the world’s most accurate weather forecaster overall, according to a 2017-2022 study from ForecastWatch: Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, commissioned by The Weather Company. The Weather Company leverages localized data to ensure reliable predictions. This approach is crucial for viewers who depend on accurate weather forecasts for personal planning and safety.

Where can personalized weather forecasts show up?

Personalized weather forecasts have risen in popularity in recent years, becoming ubiquitous in a wide variety of mediums. Here’s just a few places where you may have noticed them:

Linear TV

Linear TV, the traditional model for television broadcasting, utilizes some localization for broadcasts through weather alerts. Because weather updates are scheduled at specific times, you can ensure that your viewers receive timely information tailored to their local area. This format is particularly used during weather emergencies or sudden changes, allowing you to interrupt regular programming to provide critical updates. With Max Alert Live, broadcasters can add a detailed map to their crawl down to the DMA level, so viewers can fully understand the impacted area. See example below.

Split screen image of woman at news desk and a weather map

CTV platforms

Connected TV (CTV) platforms turn regular TVs into smart TVs, allowing users to access a wide range of online services, including personalized weather content. According to SmithGeiger research, demand on CTV platforms is growing, with 21% of viewers wanting an on-demand customized forecast on a weather streaming service through these platforms. Through channels specifically designed for weather tracking, viewers can receive real-time updates, alerts, and detailed forecasts directly on their television screens for their precise location.

Mobile devices

Mobile devices are increasingly becoming a preferred platform for accessing personalized weather information, with 80% of viewers favoring mobile platforms for their weather updates according to SmithGeiger research. These devices offer unparalleled convenience and immediacy. Users can receive tailored forecasts that are specific to their exact location thanks to GPS technology, which enhances the relevance and accuracy of the information provided.

Out of home

The demand for accessible weather information while on the move is high, with SmithGeiger research finding that 49% of viewers value forecasts at airports, 42% on airplanes, and 34% at train or bus stops. These forecasts are crucial for travelers making informed decisions about the potential for travel delays, which activities to plan for a trip, and appropriate clothing to pack.

What to consider when building custom weather forecasts

When developing custom weather forecasts, it’s crucial to consider a variety of factors that directly impact their effectiveness and relevance for the intended audience. Understanding the nuances of custom weather forecasts will help you deliver the right messaging and information to your viewers every time.

Viewer location

Customizing forecasts at a hyperlocal level is key. Whether you’re targeting a city, town, or even a specific ZIP Code, detailed localization will ensure that each viewer receives information that’s relevant to their specific location.

Time of day

Providing hour-by-hour breakdowns, and in the case of severe weather, minute-by-minute updates, can significantly enhance the utility of a forecast. This detailed temporal resolution helps individuals and businesses make more informed decisions about their daily activities, particularly when planning weather-sensitive events or tasks.

Day of the week

Weekly forecasts help viewers plan their week ahead, especially when they include varied weather conditions expected over seven days. Offering a comprehensive seven-day forecast and highlighting their weekend forecast helps viewers plan their week more effectively.

Forecasted weather

Integrating predictive radar images, especially when rain or severe weather is anticipated, can improve the forecast’s usefulness. This visual tool helps viewers better understand the weather that may impact their area.

Severe weather

Providing timely and location-specific severe weather alerts is crucial for safety and preparedness. These alerts should be based on real-time weather data to ensure they are as accurate and relevant as possible.

Lifestyle and health forecasts

Including information on seasonal conditions makes weather forecasts more engaging and useful, particularly for viewers who regularly participate in outdoor activities. According to SmithGeiger research, 42% of viewers would like to see a day planner that lets them know how to plan outdoor activities. By incorporating detailed reports on pollen levels, humidity, and wind speeds, forecasts become comprehensive guides that help viewers manage their health and outdoor plans effectively. A golf, beach, or even running forecast are examples of other personalized weather content that can be delivered.

Develop personalized weather forecasts with ReelSphere

ReelSphere, from The Weather Company, offers a sophisticated platform to develop and broadcast personalized weather forecast videos across various channels. Leveraging AI and advanced meteorological tools, ReelSphere allows you to create detailed, engaging, and highly customized weather reels that meet the dynamic needs of today’s viewers.

By focusing on these detailed and specific forecasting needs, viewers receive tailored, timely forecasts. Learn more about how ReelSphere is opening up new possibilities for weather forecast personalization.

Let’s talk

To learn more about automated, digital weather streaming content with ReelSphere, contact our media experts today.

Contact us

As the wellness movement swept through society four years ago, it sparked discussions far beyond the headlines. Everyone from investors to business leaders to consumers debated whether this was just a fleeting trend, or the dawn of a new cultural era that would shape consumer behavior for years.

That question has long since been answered. The $1.8 trillion global wellness market1 is showing no signs of slowing down. Rather, its growth is not only reenergizing consumer focus on health, it’s reenergizing competition between brands who are trying to solidify their spot in shopping carts of health-minded people across generations.

A growing wellness market also means growing expectations. According to a recent report by Accenture, nearly two-thirds (64%) of consumers wish that companies would respond faster with new offerings to meet their changing needs. As health brands and businesses in a competitive space face an ongoing challenge to balance personalization with privacy, finding the right contextual data, strategy, and message to meet in-the-moment needs is a top priority.

Easier said than done. But, one of the most overlooked — yet impactful — forces influencing people’s health is the weather. And that signal is becoming one of the biggest strategic opportunities for health marketers today.

The weather-to-wellness connection

A strong advantage for health marketers, weather already plays such a significant role as people manage their daily health and wellness choices. Research shows 76% of health-minded consumers use weather forecasts and information to manage their health condition(s) — a 33% increase since 20202 — weather drives actions like making plans (or changing them), optimizing the right medicine dosages, and of course, purchases we make. With seasonal weather norms shifting, people need to be constantly monitoring those changes so they can take steps to prevent or minimize adverse symptoms while maximizing the potential of living well.

Health research statistics

It only makes sense, then, for marketers to integrate weather data into marketing and media strategies. Weather data is a privacy-forward signal that offers businesses a predictive view of consumer behavior that can power the most holistic, contextual relevance.

Driving market share among qualified audiences

Weather Targeting equips and empowers healthcare marketers with trusted and synthesized weather and anonymized health data, placing brands in the direct path of qualified audiences and health decisions across the digital ecosystem.

Because we are The World’s Most Accurate Forecaster,3 brands and businesses trust The Weather Company as a valued partner. And since weather is pivotal for people’s daily health, so is accurate, comprehensive data in weather forecasting. We examine historical trends, current conditions, and future projections to provide accurate, relevant insights, and seasonal benchmarks. This information proves valuable for learning how weather impacts people’s activities, health, and purchasing decisions. But, it also helps us deliver cookie-less, hyperlocal ads that resonate with audiences, based around current and predicted weather effects on both symptoms and behaviors.

While the signals on their own can supercharge advertising and media targeting strategies, weather data is more powerful together with other synergistic data sources.

Take, for example, first-party audiences. By combining weather data with your first-party audience data and other diverse datasets, marketers can unlock a richer audience understanding that transcends the boundaries of individual data sources. This collaborative approach reveals insights that neither data source could discern alone, enabling marketers to connect with their audience across digital, physical, and emotional contexts with unparalleled relevance. In fact, according to Salesforce,4 only 31% of marketers are fully satisfied with their ability to unify customer data sources, limiting their ability to glean insights, plan campaigns, and sustain relevance across the customer journey.

Enhancing targeting through weather and data integrations

Health marketers are already starting to see the power of weather when combined with other targeting layers. For example, a leading pharmaceutical company wanted to increase awareness of, and prescriptions for, a specific diabetes prescription brand. Leveraging the insight that cold weather can exacerbate symptoms and drive a need for diabetes medications, CMI Media Group chose to harness real-time weather data from The Weather Company within Pulsepoint to anchor their campaign. Layering weather data onto an existing HCP target list, the brand was able to message the right HCPs when they’re most likely to consider appropriate pharmacologic therapy. This campaign showed significant impact, driving up the total number of prescriptions written in the impacted ZIP Codes. Results included:


greater CTR


lower cost per HCP reached


increase in HCPs for target areas who prescribed the brand


increase in total prescriptions written for the brand

Another recent data partnership that proved successful involved a type 2 diabetes prescription brand utilizing The Weather Company’s diabetes signals in The Trade Desk for programmatic advertising across various media platforms. The campaign was primarily measured through Crossix’s “Cost Per Unique Patient Reach,” which analyzed media exposure and its impact on diagnosed audiences, new prescriptions, and total prescriptions. The partnership proved so successful that the parent company launched a second type 2 diabetes brand using the same targeting strategy. A few results:


more efficient unique reach of qualified audiences on display compared vs. the brand’s average


more efficient unique reach of qualified audiences on video vs. the brand’s average


more efficient unique reach of qualified audiences on CTV vs. the brand’s average

Creating purposeful connections and better health outcomes

Weather’s impact on our day-to-day health and wellness decisions isn’t changing and successful marketers are taking notice. Weather signals are a trustworthy, innovative, and meaningful way to meet the needs of a healthcare marketing industry where personalization and privacy are paramount. Through Weather Targeting solutions from The Weather Company, you can connect contextually across physical, digital, and emotional realms to influence purchase decisions that support health and wellness goals. What’s your weather strategy?

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

View footnote details

1 The trends defining the $1.8 trillion global wellness market in 2024, McKinsey, January 16, 2024 Article

2 Weather & Health Impact Study, March 2024

3 ForecastWatch, Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, commissioned by The Weather Company

4 AI is Marketers’ Top Priority – And Biggest Headache, Salesforce, March 20, 2024 Article

From streaming TV shows to buying products online, today’s consumers expect hyper-personalized experiences and round-the-clock services that fit their individual preferences. They have the same expectations for weather forecasts, with six in 10 viewers reporting a high level of interest in geographically specific forecasts.1

Hyperlocal weather data enables forecasters to curate content based on the viewer’s geography — moving beyond generic, one-size-fits-all forecasts to provide relevant weather information for specific locations and times. The integration of AI and automation has brought hyperlocal weather forecasting and content to a new level. This new technology facilitates the creation of video content based on location-specific conditions through the power of accurate weather data and AI voice-over technology.

Hyperlocal weather data enables more targeted, adaptive reports that can adjust to changing conditions in real time — ensuring consumers receive the most personalized, up-to-date weather information catered to their unique needs and preferences. Read on to learn how these advanced technologies are enhancing weather forecasting and content.

What is hyperlocal weather forecasting?

Hyperlocal weather forecasting is a specialized form of meteorology that pinpoints weather conditions to extremely localized areas, such as specific ZIP codes. This tailored approach allows for better access and a deeper understanding of weather data, offering significant advantages over traditional, broader-area weather forecasts.

Hyperlocal forecasting uses advanced weather modeling systems and data collection methods, such as IoT sensors, satellite imagery, and radar data, to generate precise weather predictions for small geographic areas. By delivering accurate, relevant, and location-specific weather information, hyperlocal forecasting significantly enhances user experience and satisfaction. 

What platforms do viewers use for hyperlocal weather?

Audiences can receive and interact with hyperlocal weather forecasts through a variety of channels and platforms, including:

1.  Mobile apps

Mobile apps are a primary touchpoint for consumers seeking weather forecasts, with 63% of viewers interested in seeing weather timelines and location-specific conditions over the next eight hours according to a recent SmithGeiger study. Mobile apps can use GPS data to deliver real-time weather updates specific to the user’s exact location, providing detailed predictions about temperature, precipitation, and other conditions. The convenience and immediacy of mobile apps make them a popular choice for individuals needing timely weather information on the go.

2. Weather website

Weather websites remain a vital resource for accessing hyperlocal weather forecasts. Users can enter their zip codes or allow location detection to receive localized weather reports. These sites often provide comprehensive weather details, including hourly forecasts, radar images, and long-term predictions.

3. Local TV news

Local TV news stations play a crucial role in delivering hyperlocal weather information. Through television broadcasts and associated online platforms, they provide updates tailored to specific communities and provide additional context that viewers cannot find on other platforms such as how the weather forecast might impact tomorrow’s parade or fair. Local meteorologists use regional data to give forecasts that are more relevant to the viewers’ immediate environments, which is also especially important during severe weather events. According to a recent SmithGeiger study, 49% of viewers look to local news for advanced warning of potential severe weather. 

4. CTV

Consumers increasingly use connected TV (CTV) platforms to access their weather forecasts. TV is still one of the most preferred places to watch weather with 62% interested in seeing weather forecasts here according to a recent SmithGeiger study. Apps on these platforms can offer detailed weather updates directly on the user’s TV, combining the convenience of digital applications with the detailed, visual appeal of traditional TV weather forecasts. 

How can AI be used in hyperlocal weather video content?

Advanced AI and automation are revolutionizing the way hyperlocal weather content is delivered, particularly through video. For instance, ReelSphere harnesses AI for voice-overs in weather forecasting videos, which enables the generation of narrated content that’s more accurate, engaging, and accessible to viewers. According to the same SmithGeiger study, 65% of viewers trust an AI-voiceover from their favorite meteorologist. In fact, AI-generated voiceover and regular voiceover performed about the same. 

AI can also help broadcasters develop curated weather forecasts and dynamic video content that takes into account the day of the week, time of day, and other factors to offer a personalized view of what weather will look like in each user’s location. Broadcasters looking to stay competitive need to consider offering this level of personalization, since consumers are increasingly interested in hyperlocal forecasts for their exact location, ZIP code, and neighborhood. In fact, about 67% of viewers are willing to share areas and locations of interest to them. 

What are the advantages of utilizing AI & automation for hyperlocal weather video content?

Hyperlocal forecasting provides precise weather updates at a granular level, offering significant advantages and benefits for viewers, including: 

1. Relevance

The integration of AI and automation ensures highly relevant weather information and forecasts for viewers. It’s clear that consumers are eager for such content, with research showing that 69% of people are willing to share their zip code to receive forecasts tailored to their specific locations. By adapting weather forecasts for individual viewers, hyperlocal weather content removes information that audiences find irrelevant, zeroing in on how weather events are impacting local communities in real time. 

2. Adjusting to demand

On clear days, users typically prefer succinct updates, whereas they expect more detailed forecasts when severe weather looms. Automated forecasts can adjust as consumer demand changes with weather conditions, such as adding a forecast radar when rain is expected or utilizing location-specific weather graphics. These technologies enable forecasters to alter content length and detail depending on weather conditions and viewers’ preferences.  

3. Timeliness

AI and automation enable forecasts to be developed in near real-time. Timely information is most important during dangerous severe weather events, such as last year’s “super fog” in Louisiana that led to the pileup of hundreds of cars and, sadly, seven deaths. Automated systems ensure that vital weather information is generated and distributed quickly, reaching audiences when it is most needed. 

4. Engaging audiences

Historically, meteorologists have had to manually update forecast videos for every location and hour. This manual process limited the precision of local forecasts to broader areas. However, now meteorologists can use AI to automatically update videos across platforms to keep audiences informed and engaged. Moreover, AI can enhance the tone and tenor of hyperlocal video content by integrating local meteorologists’ voices to make forecasts engaging, relevant, and trustworthy without slowing the production cadence

5. Streamline processes

Utilizing AI and automation for voice-overs can help streamline the creation of videos, making the process more timely, efficient, and scalable. With growing audiences and limited resources,  AI-enhanced digital workflows play a crucial role in the production of content across multiple platforms — enabling meteorologists to meet increased demand for accessible and timely weather updates.

6. Provide more accurate updates

As weather patterns become more extreme, the ability to provide real-time, accurate weather updates is increasingly vital. AI-enhanced systems decrease the burden on meteorologists by making it easier to quickly share updates as weather conditions evolve. This allows consumers to make informed decisions based on the latest information, which is essential for safety and preparedness in an era of climatic unpredictability.

How accurate are automated hyperlocal weather forecasts?

Automated hyperlocal weather forecasts have significantly improved when it comes to accuracy. With advancements in technology and data analysis, meteorologists can provide individuals and industries with accurate weather information they can rely on when planning and making decisions.

In this video sample, experience a local forecast auto generated by ReelSphere, powered by AI.

These enhancements have led to notable achievements and recognition in the field. The Weather Company has been recognized as the world’s most accurate weather forecaster, according to a study by ForecastWatch, which studied global and regional weather forecast accuracy from 2017 to 2022. 

Create hyperlocal weather video content and forecasts with ReelSphere

Viewers crave relevant, current, and engaging digital weather content that is available to them 24/7. 

By leveraging AI and automating the creation of hyperlocal weather content, you can meet consumers precisely where they are — both geographically and in their desire for personalized digital content. 

ReelSphere is at the forefront of transforming weather forecasting into a dynamic, on-demand experience tailored for digital platforms. ReelSphere enables you to deliver highly personalized, hyperlocal weather videos and content without additional production resources.

Let’s talk

To learn more about automated, digital weather streaming content with ReelSphere, contact our media experts today.

Contact us

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1 According to a 2024 ReelSphere Research Study from SmithGeiger on behalf of The Weather Company.

While the 71st year of the Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity is officially in the rearview, the excitement and inspiration are still very much alive at The Weather Company. And right now, it’s clear the industry sits at a pivotal moment, with weather data and insights as key elements to its great potential.

From driving creative momentum, to bringing a renewed vigor and commitment to innovation and positive change, weather was a topic of many conversations, meetings, and thought leadership sessions. Our single takeaway: Weather data is no longer “nice to have” but a “must have” for understanding consumer behaviors and motivations, making more informed business decisions, and delivering action against our changing climate, for the back half of the year and beyond.

For some brands and businesses, a weather strategy may already be part of your broader marketing strategy; for others, it may be a new, innovative approach. Regardless of where you stand, here are three need-to-knows from this year’s Festival, brought to you by your Chief Weather Officer.

1) No cookies, no problem…for these brands

Randi Stipes, Chief Marketing Officer, at Little Black Book & Friends Beach and The Marketing Academy Villa stages Randi Stipes, Chief Marketing Officer, at Little Black Book & Friends Beach and The Marketing Academy Villa stages

Randi Stipes, Chief Marketing Officer, at Little Black Book & Friends Beach and The Marketing Academy Villa stages

Data signal loss with cookies eventually going away has been an on-going topic in many Ad Tech circles and programming, and this year was no different. While the industry waits for cookies to fully deprecate, many brands and marketers are focused on defining their first party data and audience strategies, understanding clean room solutions, and adopting alternative privacy-forward data signals. Regardless of Google’s timeline, weather data has long served marketers in driving business growth while protecting consumer privacy.

This year, we partnered with four leading brands — Milk-Bone®, Chloraseptic, EcoFlow, and Tyson Foods — to showcase the value of a weather strategy. We call them the ‘Rainmakers of Marketing,’ smart brands that understand the deep connection between weather and consumer behaviors, moods, and motivations and are winning within their categories, in large part by leveraging weather to supercharge their campaigns. Our partnership with Milk-Bone, Chloraseptic, EcoFlow, and Tyson Foods were on display 24/7 across three digital out-of-home billboards along La Croisette (because Cannes Lions is the greatest opportunity to display OOH, of course). If you missed them, check them out here.

Posters of the Rainmaker brands at Cannes: Milk-Bone, Chloraseptic, EcoFlow, Tyson Foods

Rainmakers of Marketing poster art showcased in The Weather Company meeting suite at MediaLink Beach (L to R): Milk-Bone®, Chloraseptic, EcoFlow, and Tyson Foods

Sheri Bachstein, CEO, at The Haven x HUMAN and MediaLink Beach stages Sheri Bachstein, CEO, at The Haven x HUMAN and MediaLink Beach stages

Sheri Bachstein, CEO, at The Haven x HUMAN and MediaLink Beach stages

2) AI: moving from conversations to commitments

Last year, the conversation around AI took on a very different look. Across the Festival mainstage and along La Croisette, creatives, agencies, brands, publishers, and creators were discussing AI’s advantages and disadvantages, debating how human creativity and thinking would play alongside the latest advancements and detailing how it would improve efficiency, performance, and outcomes across the advertising landscape. This year, those conversations shifted from ideation to application.

For The Weather Company, AI has long been foundational to our business. As the world’s most accurate forecaster,1 we combined AI, advanced weather science, and technology with human expertise to keep consumers informed, whether it’s how to dress for cooler-than-average temps at this year’s Festival or preparing for the most active Atlantic hurricane season (which is happening right now). Our deep expertise in AI doesn’t stop there. This June, we introduced the broader market to The Weather Engine™, a data and insights platform built on AI based multivariate models aimed to deliver deeper insights and visualizations on the impact of weather with zip code level precision. While there’s immediate benefit for advertisers when it comes to media activation and targeting, the real magic happens when we partner to create bespoke insights through the application or Machine Learning and AI against first party, third party, and other actionable data sets, specific for businesses and KPIs across advertising, marketing, and the entire enterprise.

Read how SC Johnson’s Off!® brand, America’s #1 trusted Insect Repellent brand in 2024, is finding success with The Weather Engine.


Cannes Lions Mainstage with Randi Stipes, Chief Marketing Officer

Cannes Lions Mainstage with Randi Stipes, Chief Marketing Officer

3) Weather: no longer small talk

From Sustainable Development Goal Lions, to reducing both waste and carbon emissions associated with the event, sustainability and climate continued as a core theme at this year’s event. The advertising industry, and the marketers behind the brands, sit in a unique position to shape public behavior and drive action, and that’s exactly why Cannes Lions was the perfect stage to proclaim the reality of changing weather and influence collective climate action — helping create connections between the weather and all aspects of human well-being.

We were honored to bring ‘Weather Kids,’ our joint campaign in partnership with the United Nations Development Program and the World Meteorological Organization, to the Cannes Lions mainstage. The conversation centered on a projected forecast for 2050, and how it might change depending on the climate actions we take today. Missed this session? If you have a Cannes Lions pass (physical or digital), you can watch it on demand, or read the ungated abridged version in the Cannes Lions Daily. Either way, be sure to take the two minute action of signing the pledge on behalf of the kids in your life to change the future for the next generation.

Cover image of Lions Daily News featuring ‘Weather Kids’ campaign

Cover image of Lions Daily News featuring ‘Weather Kids’ campaign

‘Weather Kids’ campaign banner hanging inside the Palais des festivals

‘Weather Kids’ campaign banner hanging inside the Palais des festivals

Whether you attended the Festival or not, we’ll leave you with one final note, or perhaps action…

You either develop a weather strategy…or a strategy for defending why you didn’t develop a weather strategy. We’re here to help with the former.

Consider us your Chief Weather Officer.

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

View footnote details

1 ForecastWatch, Global and Regional Weather Forecast Accuracy Overview, 2017-2022, commissioned by The Weather Company

Editor’s Note: Welcome back to The Weather Company’s Forecast Multipliers series, where top marketing leaders share career advice, a POV on hot topics in their category, and how to build a successful weather strategy.

Durable. Reliable. Loyal fan base? STIHL Inc. is known for their outdoor power equipment, but also for their ongoing commitment to innovation and quality, making them a preferred choice for both pro landscapers and homeowners alike. But, it’s their approachable, community-driven, and informative social channels that keep the audience engaged — coming back for insights and advice, over and over again.

With over a decade of experience at STIHL Inc., Les Robinson is a seasoned social media and content management leader at the company. We met with Les to explore his career journey and hear his take on the evolving landscape of digital marketing. His narrative provides a compelling look into the world of social media and its transformative impact on marketing strategies and community engagement.

Turning personal passion into professional prowess

Les began his journey into social media years before mass adoption of today’s ubiquitous channels. In fact, he started his career in media, where he leveraged burgeoning online platforms to source stories for TV news. An early adopter of internet technologies, his knack for embracing what’s new paved the way for his transition into content management and ultimately led him to STIHL Inc. in 2011. It’s been fascinating to watch social media evolve from an afterthought to a crucial marketing tool,” he shares. Another thing that connected Les to STIHL Inc.? His personal love for the brand. As a longtime user of their products, he notes that “walking through those doors everyday…it’s still pretty surreal to me.” He adds:


Fail quickly and keep moving forward

Reflecting on his long tenure in social media, Les underlines the importance of adaptability. “Things change, and that’s okay,” he says, noting the fast-paced nature of social media requires marketers to be flexible and open to learning what’s next. He adds, “When you embrace failure as a step towards success, the best ideas often emerge from a series of less successful attempts.” Marketers have to “be okay with that, adjust, adapt, and keep moving forward.” Here’s what he would have told himself thirteen years ago before beginning at STIHL Inc.:


Core values at the forefront of community

At STIHL Inc., Les’ role centers around not only building, but nurturing a community of loyal fans. “For me, it’s really about the community,” he explains. “I come to work every day and try to find ways to best serve them.” This community-centric approach is woven into the fabric of STIHL Inc.’s marketing strategy and identity, reflecting what the brand is known for: reliability, dependability, and power. Hear more on how STIHL Inc. connects their community and captures critical feedback through the power of social:


A match made in nature

One of Les’ key strategies: the use of weather data in marketing.

STIHL Inc., as an outdoor power equipment manufacturer, naturally looks to align marketing efforts with weather patterns. “Our product sales literally revolve around weather,” he notes. By partnering with The Weather Company, STIHL Inc. provides timely and relevant content to its customers, deepening their connection to the brand, by advising on storm preparation or suggesting the best time for DIY projects. Hear more on STIHL Inc.’s weather strategy:


Keeping it simple: Customers at the center

Two cornerstones of STIHL Inc.’s weather strategy are simplicity and customer focus. When it comes to leveraging weather, Les advises marketers to simplify their strategies — clear, easy-to-process content is more effective in achieving desired results. “If viewers have to spend too much time figuring out what the message is, they’ll just move on to something else.” He acknowledges simplicity can be challenging, especially when dealing with robust technology. “Convincing people that a basic idea is worth pursuing is one of the hardest things to do,” he admits. However, he believes simplicity in communication ensures that the message is received and the content serves its purpose, commenting:


Beyond simplicity, Les stresses the importance of keeping the customer at the center of all marketing efforts — weather-driven or not. “Figure out how your marketing strategy can benefit the end user versus just serving your purposes,” he advises. By starting with what the end-user needs from the brand or product, marketers can develop strategies that accomplish their goals while also serving the customers’ interests.

Memorable content is king

Les also reflects on the most impactful projects he’s worked on. He highlights “surprise and delight” initiatives aimed at rewarding loyal fans. “How do we surprise passionate fans in a way that they’ve never seen any brand surprise them?” he muses. This focus on creating memorable experiences underscores STIHL Inc.’s commitment to its community and its innovative approach to marketing.


Finally, Les speaks to what he views as the most valuable content STIHL Inc. creates – impactful content that serves both a business purpose and a community purpose: 


Through all his insights, Les paints a picture of a dynamic and evolving field where adaptability, community focus, and innovative use of technology are strokes to success. Among other things, his journey at STIHL Inc. serves as a testament to the power of social media in creating strong, engaged communities and driving lasting business growth.

Let’s talk

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, contact our advertising experts today.

Contact us

The Weather Company and SkyPath partnership keeps growing stronger with the rollout of new features into both Pilotbrief and Fusion products. These enhancements help air carriers tap into SkyPath’s crowdsourced turbulence data, so they’re better able to predict, prevent, and mitigate the impact of intensifying clear air turbulence.

The growing challenge of turbulence

Recent studies tell us severe clear air turbulence (CAT) has jumped by 55% in the last 40 years due to intensifying climate change.1 This rise in turbulence adds up to more injuries to passengers and crew, as well as costs for things like injury damages, aircraft maintenance, and fuel consumption.

SkyPath integration with Pilotbrief and Fusion

Not only does the partnership produce live, crowdsourced turbulence data, it offers airlines the tools they need for an impactful turbulence mitigation strategy. In 2023, SkyPath observed 1.4 billion turbulence reports, so integrating this data into existing EFB and dispatch solutions can equal significant results. The integration of this data set within the TWC suite of aviation products will allow airlines to quickly obtain the best situational awareness possible for efficient and decisive decision making.

Looking at five years of real-world air carrier data—over one million flights—clearly shows that data-powered solutions can reduce turbulence-related injuries to flight attendants by 40-50%, and mean cost savings of close to $10M per year from injury damages alone.2

Features for a smoother and safer journey

SkyPath’s real time data set matched with Fusion’s manage-by-exception workflow enables teams to focus on upcoming impacts to flights. Pilotbrief and Fusion put timely, accurate turbulence data into the tools pilots and dispatchers use daily. To be or not to be seated: they’ll get live notifications of upcoming turbulence, which makes them better equipped to plan and react in real-time, like turning on the fasten seatbelt sign in advance or navigating around turbulence.

Users can also view SkyPath turbulence reports inside a vertical profile, which makes navigating through turbulence at any stage of the ride simple, intuitive, and best of all, safe.

AI + machine learning = a new frontier for ride quality

SkyPath covers 100% of the globe with its AI-based turbulence forecast (“Nowcast”) which boasts an impressive 90% accuracy. It’s no doubt a game-changer, connecting real-time turbulence observations by the SkyPath iPad algorithm with meteorological parameters, and advanced machine learning to predict short-term turbulence for up to six hours. The combination of SkyPath’s data with TWC’s GRAF turbulence forecasting allows for a unified picture of turbulence risks associated with safe travel.

To learn more about SkyPath’s integrations with Pilotbrief and Fusion, register today for our joint webinar, July 11, 10 a.m. EST.

Let’s talk

To learn more about our advanced aviation weather solutions, contact our aviation experts today.

Contact us

It’s peak season in the south of France, a time when the region sees a population surge from local beachgoers and summer tourists alike. Meanwhile, the leaders of the advertising industry make their annual pilgrimage for a different reason entirely: the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

It’s an event where Mother Nature has taken center stage recently–delivering everything from high winds and rough seas, to a record-setting summer heatwave and unseasonal torrential rain. Weather influences nearly everything—your packing list chief among those things, perhaps, but if that’s the only thing weather is informing, respectfully, you’re doing it wrong.

Globally, weather is increasingly erratic and pervasive every year. As changing climate makes weather more volatile and impactful, every business needs a weather strategy rooted in weather intelligence. A smart weather strategy enables you to:

  • Understand and predict consumer behavior with greater accuracy
  • Mitigate risk and gain competitive advantage
  • Gain efficiency across the enterprise

Through 40 years of weather science expertise, we’ve gained a deep understanding of consumer behavior, actions, and mindsets. And for marketers, that means we’re able to take that forecast data and derive insights to enable smarter, faster business decisions, for both marketing and enterprise-wide needs.

In this piece, you’ll find the weeklong forecast and more. We’ll delve into weather’s impact on the Festival, emerging trends, and anticipated highlights–including key sessions and speakers that, much like Mother Nature, are poised to make waves this year.

Cannes Lions sign

Cannes weather: Memorable moments, the 2024 forecast, and summer solstice

When it comes to outdoor events, weather can make or break the entire experience, and Cannes Lions is no exception. Weather plays a crucial role in influencing attendance–and inclement weather can certainly dampen spirits, reduce audience, and even lead to cancellations, while pleasant conditions multiply engagement and enjoyment.

In the last two two years alone, we’ve seen more extreme weather than is historically seasonal.

  • 2022: A one-two punch of rain and heat
    If you attended the Festival two years ago, you undoubtedly recall the three days of significant rain that fell in central Cannes and created a slew of challenges for outdoor venues and temporary festival builds along the beach. That same year, despite rain, temperatures soared to real-feel temperatures in the low 90s. The summers have been getting hotter and hotter recently in southern France, so the average maximum temperature is now 3.6-5.4°F higher than it was 30 years ago.
  • 2023: Strong winds and rough seas
    Last year, it was high winds that sent weather reverberations across the Festival. Increased wave activity made for high swell that impacted yachting, and one particularly treacherous trip to Monaco made by sea (IYKYK). Out on the beach, gusts upended umbrellas and tore off temporary roofs on event spaces along the Croisette; public safety concerns like flying debris caused some venues to be forced to shut down temporarily.

Your 2024 forecast

Wondering what the memorable weather moment of 2024 will be? You’ve come to the right place.

So far in June this year, the hottest day was this past weekend on Saturday, June 8, reaching 88.52°F.  There has been virtually no precipitation in Cannes so far in June. That warmth though was brief. May to June so far has seen cooler than normal temperatures at times where all the extreme heat has been concentrated over Southeastern Europe, reaching the 100s recently with 112.64°F recorded in Antalya in southern Turkey on June 6.

For the week of the festival in Cannes, we’re very unlikely to see any extreme heat. In fact, this year could be more like 2014 and the coolest for the past 10 years! Even still, given the unrelenting sun and countless trips up and down the Croisette, it’s bound to feel warmer. Sunscreen, hat, and comfortable shoes remain a must.

Will it rain? Maybe. Current forecasts suggest Wednesday, June 19, has a good chance of showers and maybe some thunderstorms. There’s greater uncertainty in the forecast Wednesday onwards as a sharp trough and low pressure moves west across western and central Europe. Our mets have high confidence Sunday to Tuesday will be fine but it’ll turn a lot more unstable from Wednesday. Since the weather system is moving from the west/northwest, Cannes is nicely sheltered so the shower and thunderstorm risks are lower than a little further inland and any showers should be isolated and Cannes just might miss them all together.

But should you pack an umbrella? Yes. There are signs a “wave” may develop over the western Mediterranean slowing the westerly progress a little, but resulting in a larger area of rain and thunder that may head across SE France and Cannes Thursday night to Friday. So, lots to watch out for later next week. Will Cannes escape dry or get a deluge? We’re hoping for the former. The middle to end of next week may see the highest wind gusts too, so some interesting weather to watch for out on the water.

While you’re on the ground, we’re bringing you the real-time forecast all week long from three digital billboards in the heart of the Festival. When you’re away from La Croisette, stay up to date with The Weather Channel app.

A map of The Weather Company's presence at The Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity 2024

Summer solstice

While all days during the Festival feel long, Thursday, June 20, is indeed the longest day of the year. Summer solstice falls during Cannes Lions each year. The solstice, an astronomical event, coincides with a new meteorological season too: the start of summer. Since prehistory, the solstice has been a significant time of year in many cultures and has been marked by festivals and rituals. Many of these annual cultural festivities center not only on celebrating the sun’s light, but the light within people and belief in energetic shifts that reignite and inspire creativity. Pretty apropos!

Scientifically speaking, it’s when Earth’s axial tilt toward the sun is at a maximum point for the year, resulting in extended daylight and in turn…the longest day of the year. Practically speaking? We’re in for a sun-drenched Festival and some particularly majestic late-evening sunsets.

The broader forecast: What’s new and can’t-miss content

The Festival, too, is changing in tandem with our physical climate. Like our world, the broader advertising ecosystem is facing accelerative winds of change that, while predictable, are increasingly disruptive to the status quo. Amidst headwinds like the crumbling cookie and tailwinds like AI, make no mistake about it: the Festival is growing. 

If you’re reading this, you’re very likely a Cannes veteran, so we’ll cut to the chase of some of the biggest changes you can anticipate this year:

  • Yacht Row | Vieux-Port is partially under construction. Yacht Row remains open but with fewer berths–around 30 boats will host meetings and programming this year.
  • A growing fringe footprint | Supplemental programming has exploded. The aggregate fringe program has been anecdotally reported at an estimated 700 satellite events this year.
  • Year 2 of Brand Village | The new neighborhood on the official program has expanded in its sophomore year and moved inside the Festival perimeter, in a move to draw higher brand marketer attendance.
  • The launch of LIONS Creators | As Creators become an increasingly important cohort for marketers, the festival has formalized a program to get them to Cannes. The 6th floor rooftop of the Palais will play host to ‘Creators HQ.’

Content forecast

Every year, a handful of themes reign supreme in the conversations held at Cannes Lions. Last year there was a single topic that permeated every discussion and sat indisputably in the top spot of every buzz list: AI.

But in Cannes annually in the third week of June, Mother Nature isn’t the only one blowing hot air. This year AI will retain its dominant share of Festival chatter, but we hope and expect to see the conversation progressed beyond nascent vision setting and hype, moving instead into the more pragmatic realm of the problems AI solves through to what implementation and adoption looks like for brands.

Other key topics include the influence of culture and creators, as well as sports and the opportunity for brands to tap into those engaged fandoms. Pressing topics like DEI and sustainability will get more practical and less performative. And finally, cookie deprecation and signal loss, as well as a larger conversation around consumer privacy concerns, will continue to loom large as marketers navigate the seismic paradigm shift in targeting.

At the end of the day, creativity will be the throughline of all programming, with an eye towards how it can power brands’ staying power and drive business growth amidst economic uncertainty.

Recognizing weather’s influence is only growing, these are your top, not-to-be-missed sessions: 

On Leadership, Purpose & Values

MediaLink Daily Double Programming | MediaLink Beach
Monday, June 17 | 4:30 p.m.


Presenters at Cannes, MediaLink Beach: Sheri Bachstein, Sophie Bambuck, Tejal Vishalpura, and Ekta Chopra


What Will the Weather Forecast Be In Cannes in 2050?

Cannes Lions Mainstage | Debussy Theatre, The Palais
Wednesday, June 19 | 10:45-11:15 a.m.


Presenters at Cannes Media Link Beach: Randi Stipes, Boaz Paldi, Derek Van Dam, Deon Gjoni, Nathalie Emmanuel, Tania Bryer

Key weather insights and tips: What to know to navigate the weather like a pro

The weather will likely impact your Festival experience, so here are some top tips to help you stay prepared and thrive–rain or shine.

1. Hydration

  • Did you know? Our bodies are about 60% water, and heat amplifies how quickly we lose that water through breathing and sweating. You can lose up to half a gallon of water in a couple of hours in very hot conditions, and dehydration can occur in as little as 30 minutes. 59% of health-minded consumers use weather information to increase hydration as a preventative measure to manage their health condition or symptoms (Source: Weather and Health Impact Study, March 2024), as dehydration can exacerbate chronic pain and headaches.
  • Pro tip: Target drinking a gallon of water a day in hot temps, especially if you’re indulging in the rosé which flows throughout the festival. Just like the heat, alcohol can also accelerate dehydration. Pack a reusable or recyclable water bottle; you’ll find water refill stations throughout the event.

2. Humidity

  • Did you know? In combination with hot temps, increased humidity makes it harder to cool off because the body does so through the evaporation of sweat, which is hindered in muggy conditions.
  • Pro tip: Wear lightweight, breathable fabrics in light-colored hues. Choose fabrics like cotton, linen, and moisture-wicking synthetics that allow your skin to breathe and moisture to evaporate. Light-colored clothing reflects sunlight rather than absorbing it, which helps keep you cooler.

3. Sun exposure

  • Did you know? In June, the average high temperature is 74.8°F, but the French Riviera sun is especially strong. In France, climate change has caused some of the greatest annual temperature increases registered in any country in Europe.
  • Pro tip: As you traverse the Croisette multiple times a day, and sit for your outdoor meetings, sun protection is especially key. Wear sunscreen, and don’t forget to reapply throughout the day. While any sunscreen is superior to none at all, you may want to procure your SPF from a local French pharmacy. Sunscreens available in the EU are often considered superior to those in the United States due to stricter regulations and more advanced formulations. The EU has approved a wider range of UV filters, allowing for more effective and broad-spectrum protection. Speaking of, a hat for personal shade adds another layer of protection!

4. Sleep 

  • Did you know? Achieving the ideal sleep state requires lowering both core and brain temperatures by approximately 2-3°F. In higher temperatures, melatonin production that induces sleep is disrupted (Source: Healthline). Individual preferences vary, but the optimal temperature for sleep is 65°F.
  • Pro tip: This can be tough to accomplish as, depending on your accommodations, air conditioning that allows for precise climate control isn’t the norm in the South of France. Open your windows to let in the overnight Riviera breeze, or pack a small fan or cooling eye mask–you’ll fall asleep faster and have a more restful slumber.

Stay in the know. Much like our industry, the forecast is increasingly dynamic. Be sure to download and regularly check The Weather Channel app for the very latest forecast to help you navigate the week in Cannes.

Travel safe and we’ll see you soon,

The Weather Company
Consider us your Chief Weather Officer

Let’s connect in Cannes

What’s your weather strategy? To learn more about harnessing the power of weather to increase engagement and drive growth, schedule time to meet with a member of our leadership team on the ground.

Request a meeting